How to Pray for our current war situation
“Lord we ask you to :
Bring the hostages home. 103 hostages are still held by Hamas in Gaza tunnels since October 7th.
Safety & protection, discernment & wisdom for our soldiers & officers.
Protection for the nation of Israel from on-going terrorist activities.
Wisdom for our government and military to make the most righteous decisions.
The body of Christ worldwide, to recognize that this conflict is a spiritual warfare and unite against this demonic war.
For the thousands of displaced Israeli families, who cannot return to their homes that are in dangerous zones in the south & north of the country.
To overcome shock & trauma, most of them are still “frozen in time”& cannot move on. They have lost their jobs, friends, & life they once had.
For God to prevail with truth against the court of world public opinion.
The body of Yeshua in Israel to be united and be a light & a prophetic voice for our nation.
For the people of this land to receive revelation from the Lord and to return to Him.
Healing and restoration for the grieving and victims of Oct 7. Over 1200 people were murdered that day.
Families of soldiers to be cared for and comforted. We have now lost over 706 soldiers & many policeman. Thousands of soldiers are injured
The nation to be healed and restored from the shock and trauma, not only from this war, but from the past as well.
Protection and salvation for the civilians in Gaza, Judea and Samaria, for the Arab Christians there and the civilians not involved in terrorist activities.
Intercession - standing in the gap
We believe that prayer is the most vital ministry here on earth, the foundation of any spiritual achievement, the first act of worship to our God. Yeshua's disciples asked him about one thing concerning His ministry: "Lord teach us how to pray" He also challenged them with a question:
"Can you wait (pray) with me for an hour? "this question is still one of our greatest challenge for today.
We therefore have set aside time during the month.
" Watch and pray "
Weekly prayer meeting for intercessors every Monday & Wednesday from 9:00-11:00am
Every Shabbat - intercessors pray before the worship services from 10:00-11:00 am
Thank you for standing in the gap with us.
Avoiding Obstacles to Effective Prayer - James 1:5-8
Some of King David's prayers are recorded in the Psalms. There we read how he praised the Lord, confessed sin, and cried out about his troubles. He also asked God to hear his prayers and not be silent (Ps. 28:1). We all want to pray effectively like David. To do so, we must avoid certain hindrances, such as:
• Wavering faith. Doubts about God's character or dependability diminish our trust in Him. Therefore, we must not allow feelings to dictate what we believe.
• Wrong motives (James 4:3). Petitions motivated by selfish desires won't receive an affirmative answer. God wants us to pray for His will to be done--not ours.
• Conflict in relationships. Being resentful or argumentative with others will affect communication with the Father.
• Lack of generosity (Prov. 21:13). God is displeased if we ignore people's needs or give begrudgingly to the church. He hears us asking for a blessing yet sees us refusing to obey Him in our giving
(1 Tim. 6:17-19).
• Indifference (Prov. 28:9). Apathy to the Scriptures is another stumbling block. God has given us the Bible so that we might know Him and serve Him wholeheartedly. Failure to read and apply His Word consistently will diminish our ability to maintain a godly lifestyle.
To develop a strong prayer life takes effort and commitment, but the rewards are great. If your prayers have not been answered, consider which, if any, of the above issues may need correction. Then, start by personalizing the prayers you read in the Psalms or elsewhere in God's Word.
The Middle East
“In that day, Israel will be the third with Egypt and with Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the earth; because Lord of Hosts has blessed them, saying, "Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel my inheritance." (Isaiah 19:24-25)
· For God to raise up intercessors for the spiritual warfare which is continuously rising now in the Middle East, that they may have supernatural wisdom & will pray according to His heart for every nation and every ethnical group.
· For protection for our nation & people. Protection over our northern borders as well as the Gaza strip. Protection from the Iranian's nuclear threats.
· For the heads of government, that they understand the essentials spirituals issues of our days and that they receive the fear of God, not the fear of men and of men’s opinions.
· For the nations to receive a revelation of the war that the enemy is leading in Europe, for them to realize the ploys of Islam and the way the Islamist leads their terrorist attacks in all the democratic nations.
· For the media to just report the facts and not their personal opinions, twisted by their nearsighted views.
The Government
“I exhort therefore, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving, be made for all men: for kings and all who are in high places; that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior; who desires all people to be saved and come to full knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2.1-4)
Please pray
For the leaders of the government, to respond to the cries of the people and shepherd them in righteousness and justice, not for their own gain.
For God to raise up our government with strong godly leaders with a righteous standard. For them to lay down their pride and realize they are servants of the people.
· For our Knesset to realize the responsibility given by God concerning security and the salvation of the people/nation.
· For the deputies of the Knesset to refuse to vote laws opposed to the spread of the Gospel under the pressure of ultra-orthodox parties.
· For the Knesset to be cleansed of corruption and coercion. For God to intervene in every ministry and for the ruling party to realize the needs of the people and the needs concerning the security of our nation.
· For the members of the Knesset, to be inspired by God’s fear in the development and administration of the country.
· For social justice and against the up-surge of immorality and corruption in every level of the society.
· For the protection of the widows, orphans and foreigners in our country. (James 1:27, Lev. 19:33)
Hamaayan Congregation
“They continued steadfastly in the apostles' teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and prayer.” (Acts 2.42)
Wisdom for the elders to lead our congregation (Hebrews 13:16-18), to receive new strength and make wise decisions, hearing the heart and plans of God (1 Peter 5:1, Corinthians 10)
For each of our members to recognize the call of God on their life, enter into that call thus meeting the needs of the congregation and our town Kfar Saba as God ordains us.
· For the new believers to receive a passion for the Word and a holy fear of the Lord. That everyone would know their calling in the Lord (Proverbs 3:7).
. For the “prodigal sons” to return back to the Lord and serve Him fully.
. For God to give us people and financial resources to buy and renovate the rest of our building, including the bomb shelter and the distribution center. We pray that the parts we rent, can be purchased.
For financial partners for our ministry of Betzel-El - Healing & Creativity Center (for more details about this ministry, refer to Betzel-El under the ministry tab).
· For our congregation to receive a new revival and for the saints to be equipped for the service and receive a true love for the ones who do not know God (Ephesians 4).
. For our new members that God brought to us, to be discipled and grow strong in the Fear of the Lord.
. For more workers of the harvest to train and disciple the new believers who arrived since the pandemic started.
· For the members of our congregation to be deeply healed and restored, so that they could bear fruits by catching the importance of repentance and immediate forgiveness.
· For the financial provision for the new youth leader God raised to assist with our growing youth group (14-18)
. For our soldiers, for their protection. That they will be a light to the rest of their company and remain strong in the Lord while on duty.
For our young adult (21 & up) growing in numbers, to build & develop a strong group that will reach their peers .
. For strength and growth of our young church in Tel Aviv: comprised of Indians, Sri Lankan and Nepalese. Yeshua is calling us to be the light of the nations.
For the Vail to be Removed
“And so, all Israel will be saved. Even as it is written, "There will come out of Zion the Deliverer, and he will turn away ungodliness from Jacob. This is my covenant to them, when I will take away their sins." Concerning the Good News, they are enemies for your sake. But concerning the election, they are beloved for the fathers' sake. For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.” (Romans 11:26-29)
. For the body of Messiah to be equipped for the harvest and for the God of the harvest to send workers (Matthew 9:38)
· For the lost sheep of Israel to return to their God, for their eyes to be opened to Yeshua, the Messiah of Israel . (Zachariah 12:10 and 2 Corinthians 3:14-18)
· For the Jews of the diaspora to come to Israel by a desire instead of the pressure of persecution. Pray especially for the Ukrainians, French and North America Jews and their Aliyah.
· For the Church of the nations to rise to support Israel (Jeremiah 31:7-10)