Israeli soldiers are drafted into the IDF for services terms of 3 years for men and 2 years for women, right after they finish high school. Military service in Israel is mandatory by law (with exceptions).
During their army service, our soldiers receive very little pay. Since some of them come from needy or single parent families, our congregation supports and sustains our soldiers as much as possible during their service.
We also place great importance on providing discipleship training for our youth in order to strengthen their faith and prepare them for their army service, so that they continue their walk of faith during this challenging time.
The Dr. Rick Sharp Soldiers' Fund is named after our dear friend who labored to see the people of Israel know the God of Israel and have a personal relationship with Yeshua as their Messiah. Dr. Sharp had volunteered with the IDF on several occasions and had a special love for young Messianic soldiers.
If you want to partner with us in this way, click here for donations & please mention it is for "Soldiers Fund".
Pre-army preparatory training
Youth group weekly meeting