A message from Tony Sperandeo
Chairman of 'Bead Chaim'
"A voice cries in the wilderness: prepare ye the way of the Lord…“ Isaiah 40:1-3
It all started a few months ago, as I was joining the SAYF (sitting at the feet of Yeshua), national Israeli leadership gathering in Sde-Boker in the Negev. There, we were all dispatched in the desert, very early in the morning, with our bible & a bottle of water, to spend time with the Lord & to seek him in prayer.
During this personal time of walking & meditating, overlooking the sunrise on the beautiful orange-red desert colors, I received a very strong impression from the Lord. I felt a strong urge to travel to Washington DC and participate in the 'Sanctity of Life'- March for Life, organized every year in January around the Capitol.
Since the beginning of the war, the 7th of October, I have been trying to connect the dots between Israel, the Hamas genocide of Israelis, the 2 chronicles 7:14 mandate and the Sanctity of Life message. It became clearer that what happened to us as a nation on October 2023, was the direct consequence of the sinful behavior of our society, rejecting the Love and Wisdom of our Creator. The books of Habakkuk and Jeremiah were blueprints of the coming judgement over our nation.
There in the desert, I knew God wanted to show me His Grace and Mercy.
“Lord in judgement please remember mercy “ Habakkuk 3:2
I arrived in the USA right after the inauguration of President Trump. I stayed with very dear friends and intercessors and prepared myself to walk for Life in the frozen cold. I was overwhelmed with the huge numbers, tens of thousands pouring into the streets, marching for miles peacefully and joyfully, proclaiming the message of the Sanctity of Life, with signs: 'unborn Life matters', 'every baby deserve a birthday' & more… What was also very encouraging to me was that the vast majority of participants were the young generation; students, families & teenagers, declaring the values of the Kingdom of God openly without shame.
Here it was, the priority of the message of the Kingdom: Life and Eternal Life. The connection between Heaven and Earth. The Sanctity of Life and the great Commission. True revival. Nothing can stop the wave of Life, Truth & Love that is moving in the world. I also witnessed a sign of unity of the Body, all denominations & walks of Life, Catholics, Evangelicals, Protestants, Orthodox Russian & Greec, Armenians, Jews, Coptic's & others.
“Only the Lord knows the shape of His Body."
“from there the Lord commands the blessing: Life for evermore.” Psalm 23
I was so encouraged in my spirit. In Israel we are seeing ourselves as the Gideon army (the 3 hundred), while in Washington, I felt the Lord saying: See, I have still more than 7 thousand faithful who have not bowed the knee to Baal.
Our goal for after the war, may it be soon Lord, is to organize a March for Life in Jerusalem with the 7 thousand. Mostly young generation, in love & unity, Jews, Arabs & Christians from all denominations, declaring the only Hope for the Middle East, the Name of the One who is the Way, the Truth & the Life, King of King and Lord of Lords, Amen.
Tony Sperandeo
‘As a man thinks in his heart’ – and so…. he acts.
There are two world views represented in humanity. These two world views are completely opposed to one another. It is almost impossible to reconcile these two as we need to choose one over the other. Our actions and behavior are determined by our beliefs, values and priorities in life. And we know, the Bible makes it clear that there are many confessing believers still influenced by a worldly perspective. We all need to heed the words so clearly stated in Romans: “Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. (Rom.12:2).
The Biblical worldview of life is The sanctity of Life. We read from God's written revelation, The Bible, that life it is a gift from God, it is sacred, it does not belong to us but to the giver of life. No one should harm it or touch it, and no one should remove a life from conception until death.
Genesis 1:27 “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”
Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”
Psalm 139:13 “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb.”
The Greek word ‘Brephos’ in Luke 1:41, 44 and Luke 2:12, 16 is the same word used for both the unborn child still inside the womb and for the born child outside the womb. It is vital we ask of ourselves the question once formulated by Dr. Jack Willke: If life starts at conception and once we have established that the baby in the womb is a living being, should this baby be protected?
The Biblical world view is the sanctity of life. Life is sacred, life is holy and life belongs to God. You cannot take away your own life. It belongs to God. Your life doesn't belong to you, and neither does the life of another human being. The power of life and death is the Lord's. We read that even before the foundation of the earth - God created us. We were in the mind of God. No one came into the world by error or by chance. Maybe our earthly parents didn't want us to come into this world”, but God did. Many of us are ‘survivors of life’. As specified in Jeremiah 1:5 that even before the prophet was formed in the womb he was known to God.
The Bible shows us that human life is a gift from God and is sacred to God. It comes from God. It's a free gift that God gives to every human being; He gives the gift of life. Life is the greatest of all gifts. Without the gift of life we wouldn't be able to enjoy the other gifts that God has given to us. Life is the basic gift that God gives to every human being, and therefore according to the Biblical worldview – life belongs to God. No one has the right to remove a life, from conception until death. Now, with medical developments, we clearly see that life starts at conception, when the sperm meets the egg – there is life. It is a miracle. It is a human life. It is a gift from God, this life belongs to God. We were never formed as an accident, even if we were not the intention of our parents, because God chose to bring us to life.
“He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him”. Ephesian1:4
The Gardens of Life
On March 2010, Bead-Chaim dedicated a new ministry : "The Gardens of Life" - the memorial for the unborn child located near Latrun. The first 136 trees were planted that day, watered by the tears of the parents and families who lost their children through abortion or miscarriage. Many hearts were healed.
God is restoring families and memories. This garden is a place of hope. Anyone who has lost a child is welcome to visit the garden and plant a tree for the memory of their unborn baby. To this day more than 1200 trees have been planted : Cypres, almond, pomegranates and fig trees and many olive trees.
For more information: www.lovelife.org.il
(This is an obituary notice about the thousands of babies aborted in Israel)
Little ones
Written by Phil Keaggy
Who will speak up for the little ones?
Helpless and half-abandoned.
They've got the right to choose life
They don't want to lose,
I've got to speak up, won't you?
Equal rights, equal time, for the unborn children.
Their precious lives are on the line,
How can we be rid of them?
Passing laws, passing out
Bills and new amendments.
Pay the cost and turn about,
And face the young defendants.
Who will speak up for the little ones?
Helpless and half-abandoned.
They've got the right to choose life
They don't want to lose,
I've got to speak up, won't you?
Many come and many go,
Conceived but not delivered.
The toll is astronomical,
How can we be indifferent.
Little hands, little feet,
Tears for Him who made you.
Should all on earth forsake you now,
But He'll never forsake you.
Who will speak up for the little ones?
Helpless and half-abandoned.
They've got the right to choose life
They don't want to lose,
I've got to speak up, won't you?
Forming hearts, forming minds,
Quenched before awakened,
For so many deliberate crimes
The earth will soon be shaken.
Little hands, little feet,
Tears for Him who made you.
Should all on earth forsake you now,
But He'll never forsake you.
Who will speak up for the little ones?
Helpless and half-abandoned.